
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Paper gun shooter

We will learning to Make a paper pistol out of Paper.
First we rolled up pieces of paper Where is a pencil inside we had to roll 7 Squish the top Of the paper and then We had to superglue The 4 long pieces together And rolled up for more pieces I'm stuck down at the bottom And covered it with paper Put a rubber band on And made the trigger by squishy with the top and the bottom Sticking it through though for heartworm pieces And we made a target for shooting at the Target weRe cut out a circle in stuck on Coloured pieces of paper

We have been creating stuff with Materials that we have grown from home and we created a paper pistol out of paper and rubber bands and a hot glue gun We have been working on that all is for the last 2 weeks and we have just finished creating a tool for testing then So we tested hours and we made our target so we can shoot the target .